Sunday, November 6, 2016

LulaRoe, Birthday Dinner with Family

After church we stopped at Tony and Lauren's house, so I could try on some LulaRoe clothes. I ended up with a shirt and a dress that I love! Thanks Anthony for another birthday present! Then we went to Aldi to grab a few items for scotcharoos (my preferred dessert)! However, we chose a very bad bottle of corn syrup and ended up having to go back to exchange it. When I removed the lid, the bottle exploded and ripped off the sealant part. It was totally discolored and smelled of pure alcohol. Thankfully, Aldi exchanged it no problem. Mom, Dad, Anthony and I all worked on dinner, frying fish and hush puppies, making salad, corn pudding and grilled veggies. It was delicious! Tom and Becky came out to celebrate with us and played with Tripp in the living room, while Jon played with Kaycee in the backyard. It was a great third day in my birthweek celebration!

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