Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Sonshine School

Kaycee went to Sonshine School today. She had show-n-tell today and brought Jerry the Giraffe. He moves and makes a really obnoxious noise. I'm sure all the kids loved it! Olive and Trippy did great sleeping in their pack n plays the whole class period, which left me free to work on Sunday School curriculum. At the end of class, we met the kids outside on the playground. We played for a while, picked up lunch and headed home for naps. 

Kaycee had a great nap time today! We made a deal that if she stayed in her bed for 30 minutes by herself, she could listen to her music with her headphones. Little did I know that her mp3 player was kaput. I tried to turn it on and it wouldnt turn on, so I plugged it in for the 30 min. Then it still wouldn't turn on. I called my dad in a panic hoping he had a magic solution. Instead I used Anthony's old phone and logged into google play. I put the phone on the changing table and told her that if she touched the music player I would take it away. Instead she laid there and went to sleep. I'm so proud of her. Maybe, just maybe we're turning a corner in our nap time battle!

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