Thursday, November 17, 2016

Zoo with Mema, Babysitting for Carris

Today Mema and I took the kiddos to the zoo. It was a BEAUTIFUL day! We started off with a carousel ride, even Olive got to ride! Of course, I only put her on the animal for a picture, then we rode on the bench right behind Tripp, Kaycee and Mema. Then we saw the turtles and frogs in the Amphibian house. We tried to go to the Coastal Reef to see penguins, but it was closed for maintenence. Instead we saw the giraffes, rhinos and big cats on our way to the Dolphin Show. We ate lunch while watching the dolphins. Kaycee seems to really enjoy the dolphins, especially when they jump out of the water. We had a great time and even made it back on time for Mema's doctor's appointment. 
Tonight we babysat for the Carris family. Everything was great! Well, except for the time when Tripp turned blue. Anthony and I were finishing up the last round of Apples to Apples with Zoe and Gage when Tripp came around the corner with a piece from another game. When it was taken away from him, he got really upset. (It was bed time and Anthony was about to take the kids home).  He did his silent cry for a hair longer than normal and started turning blue. It was quite frightening. I finally blew in his face to make him breath, which thankfully worked! Unfortunately, all of the kids were there to witness it. Hopefully, no traumatic feelings! Tripp recovered, went home and promptly fell asleep peacefully in his bed! 

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