Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sonshine School, Cookie Decorating, Small Group

Olive at her first real solid foods with us, today. We were at church having lunch after Sonshine School, and all I had with me to feed her was pasta. So she ate some pasta! (bowtie noodles, cut into 6 tiny pieces each). She did great, until the end when she shoved 2 pieces in at once, started coughing and then threw it up. But she was a happy little solids eater! 
During nap time, I decided I was not going to do anything productive. Instead I was going to make a bigger mess. I baked sugar cookies, then experiment with Royal icing. I don't think I got the consistency correct, because I was having to work the icing too much and it did not dry smoothly. But it was fun and I'm excited to try again! 
Tonight was our Thanksgiving Meal at Small Group. It was delicious! Anthony led devo on Thanksgiving and it was great! I love listening to him lead! 

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