Saturday, November 19, 2016

Jamey's Swim Meet and Visit with Sarah

Jamey swam a dual meet at Carthage today, so we went up to cheer him on. He only swam 2 races, but did great! Kaycee really enjoyed being there and cheering him on, especially with the signs she made. Dad and Mom got there early and claimed the balcony, which is perfect for the kiddos. It has space for them to play and move around, however it's really hot in there. So once Jamey was done swimming we camped out in the hallway where it was much cooler and played. Then we all went to Hu Hot for a late lunch! We learned that the high chairs on wheels were made especially for Hu Hot and intended to be used to take the kiddos through the line with an adult. How genius! Afterwards, we stopped at Sarah's house to play a while and take home our family pictures and Tripp's 1 year pics. Which are awesome! 

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