Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fellowship Treat/Errands

I brought fellowship treat today. Last night I baked sugar cookies and brownies and I also brought the rest of Alaina's birthday cake. She unfortunately wasn't there to have any because she was running her second marathon (look at her go!). Unfortunately, I was supposed to bring fellowship treat last week and so I stepped on Joyce's toes, but it'll all end up ok. Doesn't Tripp look adorable in his red sweater. The kids wore red and Anthony and I work black/gray because we were having a new family picture taken for the members board. I hope it turns out great! 
After church I ran several errands, BY MYSELF! Isn't that a fantastic treat from my hubby! I went to Target, Goodwill and the grocery store! I finally found a jean jacket that I like! I'm very excited! 

We ended the day off watching a show and drinking sparkling apple cider! 

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