Thursday, November 12, 2015

Happy Baby/Grammy's Fall

Today was a scary day. I don't wish to repeat it, ever. Tripp woke up to eat around 6 and I fed him till 6:30, then I went back to bed. I few minutes later I heard "Help, help me" through Grammy's monitor. She had been talking in her sleep all night long, and the tone of her voice was no different this time. So for a split second  I considered ignoring it. But I decided to check it out just in case, and boy am I glad I did.  I found her on the floor, facing her bed with her head near the trunk at the foot of the bed. It was strange because her pillows were under her head, the blankets were smooth on the bed, but falling towards the ground. I couldn't peace together how everything ended up the way it did. I also didn't feel like I could get her off the floor safely, so I ended up calling dad for help. (He was at mens group in Schaumburg) So, we got her into the chair, and let her rest for a bit, while I took a shower. Then we went about our normal morning routine: bathroom, get dressed, feeding, etc.  She seemed completely normal and wasn't complaining of any pain. So I left her alone to rest a bit while I got the kids up and we had breakfast. A little later the PT from Home Health came to do therapy with Grammy, but she was too tired to participate. It was scary how unresponsive she really was. We could arouse her long enough for her to open her eyes and answer a simple question, but then she would fall right back asleep. After calling the doctor, it was apparent that she needed to be checked out. I couldn't get her into the car safely and so we called the paramedics. Molly came and picked up Kaycee so she could nap at her house. I'm so thankful Kaycee wasn't around when the panic of paramedics happened. They were supposed to have taken her to Northwest Community Hospital, but instead they insisted on taking her to St. Alexis. Anthony picked up Kaycee from Molly, had to borrow a car seat because I conveniently had them in the van at the hospital, then came and picked up Tripp from me.  In ER they did all the tests, blood tests, CT scans, Urine sample, etc. and found nothing. Ultimately, they wanted to admit her to the hospital but mom insisted on a transport to Northwest Community. I went home to put kids to bed at this point, and mom followed Grammy to Northwest where she was admitted and spent the night. Everything is fine, they're just keeping her for observation. 
To end the night off well, Tripp was completely happy and smiling! I love that little boy!

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