Thursday, November 19, 2015

Grammy Doc. Appt/Too Small Jammies

Today was a rushed day, with helping Grammy take a shower and the nurse here in the morning, we didn't have a lot of time to sit around. I finally got the kids, Grammy and myself out of the house, only 10 minutes later than I had hoped. We went to the GI doctor's office to have Grammy's feeding tube checked. We were praying that the nurse practitioner was going to tell us it was perfect and send us on our merry way. That was NOT the case. Instead the doctor suggested that the tube was not in the right place and sent us to the hospital for an xray, which required an ER visit. Thankfully, this ER visit was relatively eventless and pretty simple. The xray was taken right in the ER room and the results were back quickly. The ER doc said the tube is in the right place and sent us home! We came home just in time to see Kaycee is some cute jammies that were WAY too small for her! It's amazing how quickly littles grow!

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