Friday, November 13, 2015

Swimming/ShopHouse/Grammy Comes Home

We're missing Grammy this morning, so we decided to go swimming to take our mind off of her. Tripp slept in the stroller while Kaycee and I played in the pool. There were a few other people there, but we mostly had the pool to ourselves. Kaycee wanted to go down the slide, but she had to go under some sprinklers (that were pretty aggressive, if I do say so myself) to get there. So one time was enough for her. She loves the swimming pool, I need to get her there more! Afterwards we went to Aunt Molly's to drop off the carseat we had borrowed, and chat for a few minutes. Then it was home for lunch and naps. Tonight we met Daddy at Shop House the new Asian restaurant near Zurich. They were giving away free bowls today for their grand opening. It's a sister restaurant to Chipotle so you get to chose what goes into your bowl. It was quite tasty and they gave us some buy one get one free cards when we left. Then Anthony went off to ACES and the kids and I went to church while we waited for Grammy to be ready to go home. Fortunately, we saw some of the teen girls there getting ready for Girls Night Out. That was a fun surprise. When we got to the hospital we found out that it would be a while before Grammy was really ready to go home and it was already creeping up on Kaycee's bed time. So I took the kids home and mom eventually brought Grammy home. We're so happy to have her back and so thankful it was just a short quick hospital stay this time! 

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