Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Arts and Crafts, Grocery Shopping, First Ebay Sale

During Olive and Tripp's first nap, this morning, Kaycee and I did arts and crafts. She painted, strung beads on pipe cleaners and stuck foam stickers on paper! She had a blast, until she lost interest of course! Then when all the kids were awake, fed and diapers changed we ventured out to the grocery store for our first outing. It took me longer to get in and out of the car then it did in the actual grocery store. They all did great! Kaycee at cheezeits, I wore Tripp so he was happy, and Olive slept!  Tripp did eat grapes for lunch today, which is new and I sold an item on Ebay Well it sold over the weekend, but I was waiting for the Echeck to come through. I packaged it up and Anthony took it to the post office. I could get the hang of this ebay thing! 

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