Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Sonshine School Visitors Day

Today was visitors day at Sonshine Tuesday School! My mom teaches preschool one morning a week at church and Kaycee got to visit today! She was so excited to play in Mema's classroom; she had a hard time understanding that she needed to sit and listen in class instead of play. I thought the babies would sleep during class and I would get to give my attention to Kaycee, but they had other ideas. Both babies were awake and happy to play during the whole class. I did feed both babies, change diapers and pay attention to Kaycee all at the same time. Kaycee was in good hands with Mema! Kaycee dot painted flowers, planted flowers, colored the number 3, played with all the toys, sang songs, danced, listen to a story, ate a cupcake and had a great time! She was so happy. 
After Sonshine School we went to Chick Fil A with Molly, Christina, Nikita and all the children. Kaycee and Olive were perfect, Tripp on the other hand was very miserable. He's going to cut this tooth soon... hopefully! I ended up taking them home early putting all the children to bed. Tripp slept terribly, this is the start of something wonderful.. or not! 

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