Monday, April 18, 2016

Noodles for Lunch, Beautiful Day

Kaycee was very excited to have Baby Olive back today. From the moment she woke up, she continuously asked where Baby Olive was and when she was going to arrive. The very first thing she wanted was to hold Olive. It makes for some really cute pictures! While both babies were taking their morning naps, Kaycee and I played outside. I took both monitors outside, but realized that Tripp's monitor has a hard time reaching the play set. I did find good reception on the patio table though. I thought that I would organize the shed while Kaycee was playing. I started and then thought better of it. That will be a whole Saturday project. We'll come back to it!
After the babies woke up and ate, we picked Daddy up from work, for a Noodles lunch. Anthony went into work early, for some over time and needed a break. Noodles was super yummy and Tripp thought he should join in on the fun. Fortunately, he had already eaten his lunch at home, otherwise we would have been buying 2 kids meals. That boy can eat, already! 
This afternoon, Kaycee and I played with sidewalk chalk while Daddy and Tripp soaked in the sun. Then Kaycee played in the backyard while Daddy grilled steak and veggies for dinner. We sat at the patio table for our dinner, which was so wonderful! I imagine us eating outside and enjoying the beautiful weather a lot this summer (unless it's too hot or the bugs come out, of course!)

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