Sunday, April 10, 2016

Church with the Meidams, Dinner with the Williams

We went to church with Meidams this morning, after a fairly good nights sleep. Last time we were at the Meidams, Kaycee and Tripp could not figure out how to sleep. Last night Kaycee only fell off her bed, on to the hard cold ground, a few times. Church was good and the fellowship meal was tasty. Afterwards we went to visit the Williams while the Meidams went to Kynsey's basketball banquet. We spent some time catching up with Todd while Kaycee and Tripp were supposed to be napping. Kaycee wasn't interested in napping and so she convinced me to let her play downstairs. When Chris got home, we went to eat at a really tasty Mexican restaurant. Thanks for dinner Chris and Todd. We love spending time with them and catching up after being apart for so long. On our way back to the Meidams we stopped at the Chubby Seagull for some ice cream, unfortunately it was closed but we did get out and take some pictures in the blue chair. Next time we come it'll be warmer and we'll go earlier in the day for ice cream. Instead we stopped at the Froggy place and took their ice cream to go. Kaycee's "small" ice cream was bigger than her head. She took about 4 bites and was finished, which was totally fine with us because it was past her bed time! 

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