Friday, April 22, 2016

Target Run, Driving to Champiagn

Anthony and I planned a last minute trip to Champaign last night, so today I spent the day getting ready. Kaycee, Tripp, Olive and I took an adventure to Target and Aldi to buy a few things that we needed. During morning naps, I packed and got ready to go. When Olive got picked up, we packed up and left. Kaycee was so excited that Papa was going with us. We drove about half way and then stopped at Fudruckers for dinner. We got to Aunt Beth and Uncle Jeff's house around 9 and spent a few minutes hanging out. Kaycee went to sleep on our floor and Tripp slept in the pack n play in Dad's room. The adults stayed up late while the kiddos fell asleep. Tomorrow's going to be an emotional day, so good rest is needed! 

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