Thursday, April 28, 2016


I had a very productive day today. During morning naps, Kaycee was playing beautifully so I decided to do a project. I cut the shelf over my kitchen counter in half to open up the counter and make it less crowded. I unscrewed the shelf from the wall, sawed it in half and put it back on the wall, all before the babies woke up. 
Then we took an impromptu trip to Zurich to have lunch with daddy. The cafeteria was quite packed so we went downstairs where there were less people. However, 2 ladies sat in table directly next to us and eventually engaged in a conversation with Kaycee. She sang for them and answered all their questions, then they notice baby Olive. They thought she was the cutest thing. They were a bit confused until we kindly explained that she was a friend. I don't understand, does she look different then our kiddos??? haha just kidding!! 
Tripp took his first bath in the big tub tonight, he was less than thrilled. I will attribute it to the fact that I woke him up from his evening nap to do it. Anthony was out with Chris and Caleb doing sporty stuff, so I was home with the kiddos and bath time was a bit different than normal. He'll get used to it when he realizes all the fun he can have...

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