Friday, April 15, 2016

Zoo, Emily's Play

We spent the day at the zoo! Kaycee rode in Aunt Molly's stroller with Truett. Tripp and Olive rode in our double stroller. The babies slept the first part of the zoo, while we saw Giraffes, horses and bears. Then we stopped at the park and ate lunch. We went through the Living Coast to see penguins and then off to Lions to finish out our trip. Man I love the zoo and being with Molly with all the children makes it even better!
When we arrived at home we had no power. So all the children had to nap with no fans, which proved to be an issue... until they fell asleep, of course. The power did come back on during nap time, thankfully not abruptly stopping the naps. Olive fell asleep swaddled with her paci without any crying for her afternoon nap today! (always worth a pat on the back, when we make progress in sleep!)
Anthony picked up Chick Fil A for dinner tonight, using his free meal and the "tax day" give away. Then I went to Emily's play. She was the best pirate and cowboy in the ensemble. Great job Emily!! We celebrated with some ice cream at Culvers! Anthony had the guys over tonight! Great Friday, if I do say so myself! 

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