Friday, April 8, 2016

Chick Fil A, Playing at Church, First Night with the Meidams

We're leaving to go visit the Meidams today. Unfortunately, we're leaving right in the middle of nap time. Anthony and I decided to keep the kids awake until we left, in order to assure a nap in the car. It worked, sort of. I took the kids to Chick-Fil-A to let Kaycee eat and play for a while. Then we went to church to run and play in Mema's classroom. I kept Tripp up a little too long and he was miserable by them time I put him in his carseat. However, Anthony arrived a few minutes later and we were on our way. We arrived earlier than planned and had some time to get settled before dinner. It is always wonderful to be with the Meidams, but this time was especially great because Travis was with us. We're both looking forward to getting to know him better. Hopefully, this weekend allows sufficient time to do so! 

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