Thursday, April 7, 2016

Daddy's Interview, Jump Zone, Dinner with the Wangs

Daddy has an interview for another job within Zurich today. He's pretty excited about this job. It would be an improvement in salary with the option for some work at home time. The kids and I brought him a good luck present (good luck sign, pictures of the kids, mentos and Yu-Gi-Oh cards) I hope he feels loved and inspires greatness during his interview! 
Then we picked up Diana and Micah for Jump Zone. I was very excited to introduce Molly and Christina to Diana, but also nervous about splitting my time with them. I think it well and that everyone got along well. Micah seemed to have a mind of his own and wondered behind the jump houses several times. I felt for Diana and she continued to chase him around, he was so dang cute though!! 
Tonight we had dinner with the Wangs again. This time the intention was to talk more in depth about the home day care! Anthony had Real Appeal when they arrived, so we did our day care talking at the beginning at ate afterwards. I made hamburgers and tried a new recipe for Cloud Bread, which actually didn't turn out to terribly. It went really well and I'm looking forward to starting!! 

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