Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Closet Cleaning, Swimming, Sonic

I chose this morning to clean out the closet. What an adventure that was. I cleaned all the shelves and threw out all the old soaps, shampoos, etc. I kept the important things like heating pads, shoe shining kits, and other up to date items. As I was cleaning the floor I noticed a board that was placed about an inch above the actual floor. I lifted it to find this gun underneath. After silently freaking out, I quickly sent Kaycee to find something in the kitchen and lifted the gun. It was a squirt gun, a very realistic looking squirt gun. After talking with Anthony and calming my nerves, I called my parents. I sent them a picture and waited for their reaction. Mom says that they must have been having a squirt gun fight when they were children and Marty stashed it away for safe keeping. Well it was quite the shock to me. They don't even make real life looking squirt guns any more. Oh my. 
Olive didn't come today, she's not feeling well. We missed her, so we went swimming to take our mind off of missing her. Kaycee kept asking over and over again "Where is Baby Olive?" Swimming changed that tune! Molly and Truett met us there and we had a great time swimming! Then we went to Sonic for lunch. It was a great morning! 

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