Sunday, December 6, 2015

Church/Christmas Fest

Tripp wore his first 6 month outfit to church today. Doesn't he look cute in his big boy clothes? I can't believe that my 11 week old is wearing 6 month clothes. I'm going to have to pack away all the 0-3 and 3 month clothes and get out the 6 month clothes permanently.'s sizing chart says that 6 month clothes are for babies who are 12.5-16.5 lbs, oops Tripp's a little late to this party (since he measured at 14+ lbs at his 2 month appt). After church we went to my parents house for lunch and then Anthony, Jon and I went off to Christmas Fest at Carthage. The kids stayed with Mema and Papa and even went to small group with them. I guess all the adults were fighting over who was going to hold Tripp. It's wonderful to have my children be loved! Christmas Fest was great, the Orchestra songs were the most exciting (not just saying that since Jamey's in the orchestra, they really were). Afterwards, we took Jamey and Emma out to Cracker Barrel for dinner. I love Cracker Barrel and could probably eat there every night if I was allowed! What a wonderful day all the way around!

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