Sunday, December 20, 2015

Kid's Christmas Program/Progressive Dinner/Playing Outside/Alaina visits

This morning was the kids Christmas program at Cardinal Drive. Instead of classes we had a brunch potluck and the kids sang songs, recited scripture and even had a skit. Tripp played the role of baby Jesus with Emily as Mary and Gage as Joseph. He did great! He was happy and smiley the whole time, never making a peep! I was very honored that they asked to have him play that role! The whole program was wonderful!! 
After church we rushed home to finish cleaning the house and to make soup. I had a cream of chicken and wild rice soup cooking in the crockpot and then created a lasagna soup on the stove. I was a little nervous about hosting the soup portion of the progressive dinner because I had never made soup before. But apparently, they turned out really well. Everyone seemed to love the lasagna soup, personally I really enjoyed the chicken and rice soup! After eating the teens sang Christmas carols to Grammy, which made her really happy! 
This afternoon Kaycee wanted to play outside, so Anthony took her out to the plat set while I finished feeding Tripp. Then we joined them for a while. One of Kaycee's favorite things to do is open and close the door of the bottom fort kitchen area. She has a hard time getting it open or closed because it latches with a pretty strong magnet. She'll stand there and ask "Momma, open it" over and over again until I open it. One day, she'll be able to consistently open it on her own... right?

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