Friday, December 18, 2015

Swimming/Uncle Jon's Birthday

Molly called me this morning at 9:30a and woke me up, to invite us to the swimming pool. Of course I said yes, and hurried around the house getting everyone up and ready to go. We were only 5 minutes late, which was fine because the fire alarm was going off and they sent everyone outside anyway. We did get into the pool about 20 minutes late, but they let us stay later in the big pool to make up for it! Then we went to Sam's Club for lunch and were home in plenty of time for naps! 
Anthony stayed home with the kids while I went to celebrate Jon's birthday. We went to Cici's pizza for dinner and then to see StarWars in Imax 3D. It was a great movie, but I might have understood it better if I had seen the 6 previous movies... Still, it was a great night celebrating Jon's birthday! Happy Birthday Uncle Jon!

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