Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dinner with GG and GGpa

Anthony made french toast this morning which we ate with fruit and walnuts. I was pleasantly surprised at how tasty they really were. Plus they were made with whole wheat bread and had really good nutrition! Anthony got an oil change for the van, I went to Target and we generally cleaned the house/played the morning. I bought us apple salads from Target for lunch and Kaycee had a great time dipping her carrot into the left over dressing. She's definitely a dipping/dressing/sauce kind of girl. This afternoon we drove down to Manteno to have dinner with Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Tom at Monicals. The pizza was tasty but the high light of the evening was watching Grandma Nancy interact with Tripp. They were both so smiley and talkative. Kaycee did the same thing when she was this age, it must be something about GG that makes the kids talk! Kaycee was beside her self excited to be there. She kept yelling at the top of her lungs to Jamey and Jon at the other end of the table. Eventually, they just got up and came over to play with her. She had the time of her life running around and acting goofy. She did settle for about a minute when her mac n cheese came out. I'm so thankful they were able to make it out for dinner. I hope we can do it again soon! 

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