Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sharpie/Diaper Blow Outs/Willow Creek Christmas Service

The morning started out just like any other morning, until I rounded the corner and notice the sharpie in Kaycee's hand. She quickly threw it across the table, as if she didn't have it in her hand. But the black sharpie marks all over the kitchen table were evidence that she did indeed have an opened sharpie in her hand. What am I going to do with this destructive little peanut?
Imagine, Kaycee going down peacefully and quickly for her nap. Tripp a happy boy in his bumbo seat and Momma getting some dishes/laundry done. Seems like a happy picture until a foul oder starts wafting up from one cute boy in a bumbo seat... Yup, you guessed it. Diaper blow out time, which results in a bath! Needless to say, it gave me an opportunity to use the coconut oil, that I had just bought at the store, on his head for his cradle cap. It seemed to have worked well! Hopefully, the cradle cap goes away permanently now! 
Tonight we went to the Carris's for a quick dinner and Christmas celebration before heading over to Willow Creek to meet Christina and Ian for the Christmas service. In years past this night has been a bit stressful (lack of time to relax), but tonight I felt no stress. We ate a delicious dinner of tortilla soup (mine was in a yummy homemade bread bowl) and chips/guac, opened gifts and left with plenty of time to get there. We dropped kids off at Promise Land with no tears!, then found seats in the balcony. Unfortunately we didn't find enough seats so Christina and Ian sat in the next section over. It would have been wonderful to all sit together, but for some reason we couldn't get tickets this year. But it was a great service anyway! 
Rob and Molly gave us a beautifully hand painted sign with our name and wedding date on it! This is the best gift!! I had seen several of these signs that Molly had made for other couples in our church, when they got married, but we never had one of our own. I was secretively super jealous every time. I don't know how she knew, but she made us one and it's absolutely perfect in every way!! 

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