Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cereal, New iPad game, Snuggling Giraffe

Guess which cute little 5 month old baby boy is eating cereal?!?!? Unfortunately, I don't feel like Tripp is gaining weight like he should. At his 4 month appt, he weighed 15 lbs 3 oz. Last night I weighed myself and then weighed myself holding him. He weighed exactly 15 lbs. Now I know that different scales, will give different results and that it would probably be a few oz off, however he should have gained a significant amount of weight in the last month. So I called the doctor and he encouraged me to start solid foods. So here we are. This is the same time that we started solids, for the same reason, with Kaycee. It must be a problem with my supply around 4 months. 
Daddy brought home an iPad game for Kaycee. It's a music game where she touches the shapes on the screen and it plays different music sounds. She really enjoys it, as you can tell from the pictures. 
Tonight I caught Kaycee snuggling giraffee on the monitor camera while she sleeps. Pretty much the cutest thing ever! 

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