Monday, October 31, 2016


Kaycee went to Champs this morning. She chose not to wear her Halloween costume to Champs, even though it was Halloween. She had a great time anyway and even came home with an orange pumpkin craft and a goody bag full of treats. 
Mema surprised us this afternoon because she got off work much earlier than expected. We were just coming inside from playing in the backyard, when she arrived. She helped the kids open Halloween gifts from GG and GGpa! They're very excited about their new silverware! Then when Anthony got home we trick or treated around our neighborhood for a while before going to the Carris's! I'm super glad that we got to trick or treat with Mema! 
We had a blast with all our friends, trick or treating, eating chili and yummy cookies. It was another successful Halloween with very full candy buckets! 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Church, Olive Garden, Mystery Dinner

After church, we went to Olive Garden with Framma, Ty, Caleb and Emily. Even though there was a longer wait than expected, the kids did great! Kaycee and Caleb colored pictures on the white board. Ty and Tripp played on the couch. Emily bounced back and forth between both kids. Which left Anthony, Susie and myself to hang out and be adults! Lunch was super tasty, even though Tripp left a huge disaster on the floor under his chair. 

The Ray's hosted a mystery dinner tonight at church for Night Light. It was awesome! I'm so glad I got to be in the kitchen helping! I helped prepare food and then serve it. The kids got a list of 13 baseball terms like Double Play, Go Cubs Go and Fly the W. Each term corresponded with a food item, but the teens didn't know which was which. So, blindly, they wrote down 4 choices per course, hoping that their choices would magically make sense together. Some people did great and got a hotdog, bun, chips and cheese. Other's did not, and got cheese sauce, ketchup/mustard, chocolate syrup and a spoon. They had to eat everything on their plate before we could move on to the next course. It was awesome! 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Trunk or Treat

We went to Willow Creek's Trunk or Treat today! We got there a bit early, which ended up being the right move because it quickly got crowded. We went through the first line of cars to get candy and then Kaycee jumped in the jumpy houses. Afterwards it was so crowded and took us a long time to get through the next line of cars, so we decided that we had had enough fun and were ready to go home. Thankfully we got to see Aunt Molly on our way out! We're super excited about our costumes, they turned out so well!

Daddy - Goofy
Momma - Daisy
Kaycee - Minnie
Tripp - Mickey

Friday, October 28, 2016

Baby Movement, Olive Snot, Drawer Project

Kaycee felt the baby move today. She wasn't really sure what to think and kept telling me that my baby was really pretty. 

Olive learned to blow out her nose today. She would blow and blow until the snot ran down her face to her mouth. I would wipe it away and she would blow and blow again. She thought it was a funny game, I did not! 

Papa came over after work today to help guide us through the temporary solution to our drawer issue. He helped us take apart a drawer and cut the bottom down to a size that would fit in the slot. After he left, I finished the other three drawers, which proved to be challenging. One drawer was glued together on a bazillion sides making it difficult to remove the sides and another drawer was made out of a thicker wood making it difficult to cut it down to size. However, the project is mostly finished. Now to wash all the containers and utensils. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Just Home

We spent the day at home today. Good thing we did because Olive had a rough day. She did not sleep or eat very much at all and was very sad during nap times. However, the rest of the day she was her normal happy self, rolling around and playing on the floor. I really hope the poor girl gets some relief from whatever is hurting her at nap times. 
(yes, we're still battling the mouse problem and yes that's a mouse in the middle of the kitchen floor. I'm so glad Anthony deals with them before I even wake up!)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


We picked Daddy up from his new office for a lunch out. We went to Culvers! Towards the end of the meal, Kaycee asked if she could have ice cream for dessert. Anthony and I were amazed at how smart this little girl is. We have not been to Culvers, since driving to Appleton for Kyra's wedding and we didn't even get ice cream that time. She's a smarty pants!