Saturday, October 1, 2016

Kyra and Travis's Wedding!

Kyra and Travis's wedding was beautiful! We are so blessed to have been part of such a special day. Anthony walked Kyra's Grandmother down the aisle, then walked Kyra's Mom down the aisle, then pulled the aisle runner back, then walked Tripp down the aisle, then opened the door for Kyra. What a special way to be a part of his sister's marriage ceremony. Tripp walked down with the ring pillow (holding Anthony's hand of course) and Kaycee walked down with a sign saying "Here Comes The Love Of Your Life" for Travis to see. They were absolutely precious. I ended up putting Tripp down for a nap in the bridal cottage during the rest of the ceremony, which was a smart move.
Tripp was awake for pictures, so I hope they got some good pictures of our family and the kiddos with the bride! Then we changed Kaycee so she could run around and play without getting her pretty dress dirty for the reception. She did run around and play until she got pushed into a sign, by another little boy, which resulted in a bloody nose. Thankfully, appetizers were out at that moment, so we could distract her with a snack!
The reception was wonderful. Dinner was tasty, dancing was sweet, slideshow was fun and cake went over well. Too well, actually. We had soooo much cake left over. I only cut 5.5 out of the 6 behind the scenes cakes. I never even cut the wedding cake. Kyra and Travis cut one slice out for pictures, but the rest was untouched. We ended up packaging and sending cake home with as many people as we could find! 
It was a wonderful day! We're so thankful Kyra married a great man and we can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for them!

Below are the professional pictures taken by the wedding photographer!

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