Saturday, October 8, 2016

Storage Clean Out/Hayride with Sunshine Gang

We cleaned out/organized the storage unit today. It was necessary, but not quite as successful as we had hoped. I think the hope was to downsize the unit, and we didn't quite have that much time. Anthony, Dad, Jon and Mom moved everything out of the storage unit, while I stayed home with the kiddos. Then Anthony switched places with me and I went back to help make decisions about what stayed in storage and what came home. Dad and Jon moved all of Grammy/Marty's stuff into the back of the unit and then all of my teaching materials, Anthony's dad's comic collection and sell-able furniture into the front of the unit. We'll call it mostly successful. I brought home many boxes of stuff, which need to be gone through, organized, sold and given away! 
After afternoon naps we met a bunch of church folk out at Randall Oaks for a hayride. Although the evening felt rushed we had a great time. We enjoyed the hayride, playing on the haybale maze, playing at the park and eating dinner with great friends! The kids had a blast to say the least. Then we tried to stop at Chili's for dinner, but the wait was too long. So we zipped over to Steak N Shake, where the wait was just as long. Instead we ordered and brought food home. Rebecca came over for dinner and then hung out with me late into the night! It was awesome!

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