Sunday, October 30, 2016

Church, Olive Garden, Mystery Dinner

After church, we went to Olive Garden with Framma, Ty, Caleb and Emily. Even though there was a longer wait than expected, the kids did great! Kaycee and Caleb colored pictures on the white board. Ty and Tripp played on the couch. Emily bounced back and forth between both kids. Which left Anthony, Susie and myself to hang out and be adults! Lunch was super tasty, even though Tripp left a huge disaster on the floor under his chair. 

The Ray's hosted a mystery dinner tonight at church for Night Light. It was awesome! I'm so glad I got to be in the kitchen helping! I helped prepare food and then serve it. The kids got a list of 13 baseball terms like Double Play, Go Cubs Go and Fly the W. Each term corresponded with a food item, but the teens didn't know which was which. So, blindly, they wrote down 4 choices per course, hoping that their choices would magically make sense together. Some people did great and got a hotdog, bun, chips and cheese. Other's did not, and got cheese sauce, ketchup/mustard, chocolate syrup and a spoon. They had to eat everything on their plate before we could move on to the next course. It was awesome! 

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