Saturday, October 15, 2016

Ladies Retreat, Mulching the Playset, Bucks Game

Mom and I went to the Ladies retreat this morning. We drove up to Wesley Woods Retreat Center in the morning and made it in time for Yo Gal (led by Beth). Then we hung out for a bit, ate lunch in the cafeteria and had the afternoon to do our own thing. Beth, Molly, Donne, Mary and I went for a walk along the lake to the ice cream shop. Everyone else stayed at the retreat center, took naps, did art projects, etc. Then we had a devo and dinner in the cafeteria. Mom and I left right after dinner to meet Anthony. 

While we were gone, Anthony, Dad and Jon mulched the playset. It looks AWESOME. I'm so excited for the kids to have a finished playset!! 

Anthony and I were gifted tickets to the Bucks game, by a former student of mine. Mom and I met Anthony in Kenohsa and then Anthony and I met Noah and his mom at the park in ride. We rode up to the game together! We had great seats and had a fantastic time! The kiddos spent the night at Mema and Papa's house so Anthony and I were free to take our time! After dropping Noah and his mom back at their car, we drove home, stopping at iHop for a snack. It was a wonderful date night and the perfect evening after a great day!

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