Saturday, October 22, 2016

Football Saturday

Today was a Saturday full of Football! Anthony took the kiddos to Gage's football game in the morning while Momma stayed home for cake pick ups. The kids had a blast despite the cold weather. Momma took Kaycee to the store to buy some items for the evening football and came home with 2 cupcakes that were more frosting than cupcake for the kiddos. They really enjoyed all that sugar! 

Zach's game was awesome! We tailgated before hand with the Ray family and then watched a good portion of the game before having to take tired children home. We stayed through the third quarter, which was well past kiddos bed times. I was able to get Tripp to fall asleep, while holding him, under blanket. That doesn't happen very often so I was cherishing the sleepy snuggles. Kaycee did great, holding it together the whole time! She really enjoys being out and about with the people we love!

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