Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sonshine School Field Trip to Crabtree Nature Center

Kaycee destroyed her room last night, again. And to make matters worse, when I woke up this morning she was out of her jammies, in a dress, no underwear and running around her room. What am I going to do with her? 
We went to Crabtree Nature Center for the Sonshine School Field Trip today. We arrived early, because I busted my butt to get out of the house on time, to show up at the Nature Center at 9:30. Only to learn that we wern't meeting until 10am. Oops, my bad. However, Kaycee had an extremely good time, running around with her friends and playing with all the nature stuff. She especially loved that not only was Momma there, but Mema and Uncle Jon and Sammi and Miss DJ. I can't believe she's old enough to be part of the class already, but there she was, doing preschool kid stuff and being a big girl! 
I thought for sure she was going to sleep at nap time, I mean who wouldnt? How was she not exhausted. Oh wait... she was. Instead of sleeping at nap time, she slept in the car when she ran errands with Daddy. I called Anthony and told him that he needed to take her out of the house, before I lost my mind on her. So when he got home from work they left to run a few errands. This is where Kaycee promptly fell asleep and wouldn't be bothered to be woken up to go into the grocery store. Instead they came home and she slept in her car seat with the car door open for another hour.
We hosted small group tonight! It was indeed small because the Voigts and Roses were going home from the hospital with their precious boys tonight!!

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