Friday, October 14, 2016

Anthony's Last Day, Beauty and the Beast

Today is Anthony's last day before moving to the new building. He's excited, but it means a little bit of change. 

Kaycee and I went to see Beauty and the Beast tonight. Sammi was running the stage crew! We stopped for dinner at Panera with DJ, Nolan, Taylor and Jordan first. Then we went to the play. We sat with DJ (the others went on to MI). It was a great show. I was a bit nervous because it started right at bedtime and I wasn't sure how Kaycee attention span was going to hold up. But she did great! She sat on DJ's lap, intently watching the show the whole time. She asked a billion questions but was so happy the whole show. She even told me she had to go to the bathroom during Gaston's salon song, which couldn't have been any more perfect! 

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