Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Sonshine School Halloween Party

Kaycee had her first Halloween Party today with Sonshine School! She looked so cute as Minnie Mouse!! (I'm super proud of her costume and can't wait to get the rest of us dressed up to match!). She played Halloween games, carved a pumpkin, had a dance party, listened to Halloween stories, ate snacks and had a trick or treat circle in Sonshine School. The babies slept through class, so I was able to lend an extra pair of hands to Mema and DJ for the party! It was a success!

Tripp was very miserable when I woke him up from his morning nap. I could not figure out what was wrong. At first I thought I had startled him when I woke him up, but that shouldn't have kept him crying through lunch and the whole way home. Welp, I figured it out when I went to change his diaper. Poor budy has a bunch of blisters on his bottom. Doctor says the ammonia levels are elevated in his urine, causing 2nd degree chemical burns on his bottom. He prescribed 2 baths a day plus antibacterial cream and a lot of butt cream. If it's not better in 48 hours then we'll need to go in and see the doc. Please God, make my buddy's booty feel better!

(yes that's 2 mice that Anthony disposed of this morning)

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