Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mema's Distractions

This morning Mema came over to hang out with the kiddos while Momma stepped out to sell the hideaway trash can from the storage unit. Kaycee had gotten out of bed last night, so she had lost her Mickey privileges this morning, so she needed another activity to do instead. Mema and Kaycee did lots of arts and crafts projects while Momma was gone. Momma was able to get lots of things done around the house when she got back though, like laundry, picking up and organizing closets! Thanks Mema for the distraction! 
At nap time, I had a brilliant idea. I can't believe I didn't think about it before. Instead of punishment for getting out of bed. Why don't we try some rewards for staying in bed. I told her that if she laid down and went right to sleep, she could earn some T.V. time to watch Mickey. Guess what she did! She laid right down and went to sleep!!! So I made her a sleep chart with stickers and everything! Hopefully, we've rounded a corner with sleep time!!!

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