Sunday, October 9, 2016

Alaina's Marathon/Church/Goebberts

I was super bummed to not be able to work it out to go downtown for Alaina's marathon. We were only going to be able to see her run by a few times, and I couldn't even guarantee that she would see us. However, it would have been a fun time to go downtown. Instead I tracked her all through church and sent her random texts and pictures throughout the race! 
After church we went out for lunch at Chipotle with Rebecca. The kids held it together well enough at least! Then home for naps. After naps we met Rebecca, Keith, Steve and Stephanie at Goebberts for a couple of hours of fun. Oh My Word it was so packed. I should never go to a pumpkin farm on a Sunday afternoon (or any time during the weekend) again. We hardly got to do anything or spend any time in one particular place. Anthony did get to see Bill Cook's magic show and we were able to feed the giraffes (of course the 2 most important things to do at the pumpkin farm). We left without any pumpkins or apple donuts, which is a little bit of a problem. 
Afterwards, Rebecca and Keith came over for dinner and we hung out for several house chatting at the table. This is the third meal with Rebecca this weekend, and I've been loving every moment!!

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