Friday, October 28, 2016

Baby Movement, Olive Snot, Drawer Project

Kaycee felt the baby move today. She wasn't really sure what to think and kept telling me that my baby was really pretty. 

Olive learned to blow out her nose today. She would blow and blow until the snot ran down her face to her mouth. I would wipe it away and she would blow and blow again. She thought it was a funny game, I did not! 

Papa came over after work today to help guide us through the temporary solution to our drawer issue. He helped us take apart a drawer and cut the bottom down to a size that would fit in the slot. After he left, I finished the other three drawers, which proved to be challenging. One drawer was glued together on a bazillion sides making it difficult to remove the sides and another drawer was made out of a thicker wood making it difficult to cut it down to size. However, the project is mostly finished. Now to wash all the containers and utensils. 

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