Friday, October 21, 2016

Cake Day

Mema came over today so that I could have some time to work on decorating 2 cakes due tomorrow. I am so grateful for her help. She kept Kaycee busy with painting and other art projects, playing outside, reading books, etc. I got a lot of work done while Kaycee and Tripp were occupied! Olive is always easy, rolling around on the floor playing with the toys! 

I also conquered my fear of THAT intersection tonight. I went out for cake boxes and stopped at the Sonic for ice cream on my way back. I did it successfully without an accident. I won't say that it doesn't give me anxiety to be stopped at that light, but I handled it just fine! 

(yes that's the first of what I can only imagine will be many more mice, caught in a trap in the middle of our kitchen floor. The trap did not start out in the middle of the floor, but in the bottom of the drawers instead. The mouse apparently tried to escape...)

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