Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Feed My Starving Children

Kaycee was a little snuggly and sad this morning. Not sure what caused it, but I like the snuggles! 

This afternoon I tutored Kate and Paul, then left Kaycee with Janice so Anthony and I could help out at church and then at Feed My Starving Children. It was quite hard to leave Kaycee today even though I knew she was in great hands! Anthony and I helped Molly make pasta for the teens participating in the Chicago Work Camp as well as those volunteering for Feed My Starving Children. It was wonderful to have a kid free meal with our friends! Then we all headed over to FMSC and packed boxes like speedy turtles! What a blessing to be able to serve those in need!! 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Catch Up Day At Home

After a busy weekend, we just needed a catch up day at home. We spent the day unpacking and relaxing. Kaycee was used to being outside all day and was confused when we didnt go outside very much. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday camping with Yogi

Sunday, we cooked breakfast, went on a hay ride, swam, packed up camp and hung out! It was wonderful to spend the day with friends. We ended up with no devo, because we kept pushing it back to participate in different activities. We'll do one next time for sure! 
After we left the campground we stopped at the State Park and looked around. We'll know what kind of fishing spots are around for next time! 
Thank you to the Carris family, Pilotte family, Hill family, Neal family and Alaina for making this weekend awesome! 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday Camping at Jellystone

Satruday was full on swimming, mini golfing, cooking, napping, watching the Hula dancers, hanging out at the camp site, hay rides, trips to the general store, fire starters and fellowship with everyone! I couldn't have asked for a better day!