Saturday, June 13, 2015

Last Day at Boyds :(

After waking up at 7ish, we started packing and getting ready for our trip home. Part way through we went to breakfast for our last meal at Boyds. After saying all our goodbyes to the staff and other people we finished packing up and loaded the cars. Then on to check out in the office. I'm so excited that we were able to secure a pontoon boat and our shore lunch for Friday next year, in addition to moving our guide days to Monday and Tuesday. I think the new schedule will flow really nicely and give us all some recovery time after the long guide days.

We even stopped to peek into Goss (the largest cabin on the property) and saw how many bedrooms/rooms was really available. Even though there is probably space for 20 people to sleep, there really isn't any living space. Not enough for our whole family to sit around a table and play games or hang out in front of a fire anyway. We'll see if we ever decide to try and make the switch. We can stay in Ottie for a long while anyway (when there's several married couples and plenty of grandchildren, we might have to change our minds).

After driving for an hour we stopped at Monicals for lunch and overstuffed ourselves, of course. Another hour and a half of driving, where we hoped Kaycee would nap, but of course she didnt, and we stopped in Steven's Point for ice cream.  Then on towards home. We intended to play it by ear, but hoped to make it all the way back to my parents house without stopping. That plan was ruined quickly when Kaycee threw up all over herself near Kenosha. We quickly got off the highway and pulled into the Cracker Barrel parking lot. Which is funny because we had joked several times about stopped there for dinner, even though none of us were hungry or actually wanted to stop. After completely cleaning Kaycee and her carseat up, we hit the road for the last bit. Made it to my parents house, unloaded their stuff, said our goodbyes and got home to our house around 7:30p. After realizing that we had left Anthony's car on the street all week and had received 2 tickets from the police, we worked very quickly to unload everything from the car, threw Kaycee in the bath and then put her to bed. I ran to Torta's Locas for some dinner after 8pm. Needless to say we did not do any unpacking tonight, instead laid in bed, watched Hawaii 5-0 and then went to sleep! It's great to be home and sleeping in our own bed, but super sad to be done at Boyds already.

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