Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday at Boyds!

Kaycee slept all night last night! Thank goodness we did not have a repeat horrible night. Anthony got up early and got ready to go out with the guide. Unfortunately, Kaycee did get up right around 7am, which allowed us to see Daddy before he went fishing. Dad and Anthony went to breakfast while the rest of us got ready for the day. As we drove up to the Lodge, Anthony and Dad were getting Jim's boat ready to go out. So we ended up stopping and talking with them about plans. They went to Mason and Evergreen to fish for Walleyes and Jim convinced me that the river would be safe for me tomorrow morning. I am so excited to go on the river!!

Breakfast was pancakes as usual and then heading back to the cabin. Mom, Kaycee and I went out on Long lake for a short fishing trip before Kaycee's nap time. Only Kaycee fell asleep sitting up in Grandma's lap while Momma took a turn fishing. So we ended up laying Kaycee down in the bottom of the boat and building a tent of boat seats to keep the sun off of her while she napped. I even covered her with a light sweatshirt to keep her from getting burnt while she napped. Mom and I had a pretty successful morning, catching a lot of smaller blue gills. Mom doesn't touch fish so I took all her fish off her hooks. I lost 7+ hooks in fishes mouths during this trip. I couldn't keep the fish from swallowing the hooks, frustrating, but still a fun trip! I was so glad to get to fish with mom!

Then we came back and picked up the boys for lunch. Jamey and I dropped Mom, Jon and Kaycee off at the Lodge and took off for Mason and Evergreen. I had to stop in the office to ask for directions, it's a little tricky to get there if you don't do it every day! We did make it! They have definitely updated the roads and the turn around because it used to be hilly, rocky, rutty and overall dangerous to take your car down. Now you can drive almost right down to the lake. We made the switch and Anthony and I drove back to Boyds for lunch. They didn't catch anything this morning, which is super disappointing for Anthony.

Lunch was a chicken dumpling soup, which was pretty tasty. After lunch Amy and I went to the Wigwam with Kaycee to hang out and catch up. We made Boyds rocks (1 for Kaycee and 1 for Daddy), planted Kaycee's new flowers in her tissue papered pot and colored. It's so fantastic to catch up with my friend, wish we lived closer to each other. Anthony came to pick us up around 2:15 for Kaycee's nap. We put her down for a nap around 3 and went on our June date.

We got out ot Dave lake and realized that the boats didn't even have seats. We knew they didn't have a motor but they were very uncomfortable. Anthony rowed us to a good fishing spot and then tried to fish standing up while I was straddling a seat. It was uncomfortable as well as very difficult. So we switched to Dog Lake. Anthony took us to their special spot from the other day, and I ended up catching a Crappie and a 14in Bass. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep them because we had no bucket or fish net to keep it alive until cleaning time. So sadly we threw them back.

After our date we went back to the cabin, thinking we were going to take Kaycee to the beach. But she was still sleeping!! This is the longest nap in a really long time. I woke her up at 5 after a 2 hour nap. We decided it was a little too cool with the wind, so we played around the cabin until about 5:30p when Dad and Jamey got back from fishing with Jim. They also had an unsuccessful afternoon and even switched to Musky fishing half way through. Hopefully, tomorrow is a little more exciting for me and Jon.

Dinner was pot roast and salmon with carrots and potatoes. So tasty, but too much food. Dessert was a mixed berry bread pudding, which was good but not my favorite dessert. I tried to get ice cream from the machine, but the vanilla was very runny. I probably didn't need that anyway. After dinner Dad, Mom and Jon went fishing while Anthony and I took Kaycee and Jamey back to the cabin. We let Kaycee stay up until 8:20ish because of her long afternoon nap. She played and played and then went to bed without even so much as a whimper.

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