Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Visit from Sarah and Miriam

I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of Kaycee and Miriam together today. Sarah and Miriam came over this morning (after mom had picked up Grammy, taken her to the bank, dropped her at Trinity and then come back over to hang out for a while). She stayed until after dinner! I'm so thankful for my friend who drove all the way down here and spent a long day with us! The girls played together today!! It was so fun to watch them interact more and more. It was funny to watch them play with the same toy even though there were a bunch of toys around. Whenever one of them moved on to a new toy the other went with! It was a perfect day!! 

(Kaycee has been waking up at 6:30ish every morning this week. I wonder if its because of the sun. So I put up a black curtain in front of the blinds to block out more light. I'm nervous that she's going to need it to be super dark to sleep, because that's not always going to happen... We'll see...)

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