Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Normal Tuesday

I tried to strip Kaycee's cloth diapers this morning. I don't have a huge stock pot and so I had to split the diapers between 4 pots. I don't know if it worked at all, but we'll see! While I was working on that project, Kaycee walked into my bedroom and stole my leftover dessert (homemade biscuit Monkey Bread) from last night. I guess if she's going to be that clever, she can have it!  Later on I found her on the rocking chair in the family room (which I thought was still too high and rocky for her to climb up on ... guess I was wrong).  As we were waiting for Daddy to come home from work, Kaycee discovered how to ride her tricycle. Well at least sit on it and move it with her feet. She's a pretty smart 15 month old. 

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