Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday at Boyds!

Kaycee's night was not a very good one. She woke up around 2:15 and cried and moaned. Anthony was so deliriously tired that he started hallucinating that Kaycee was suffocating inside my belly. After calming him down, I had to attend to a now fully awake Kaycee. After snuggling and singing to her I put her back into the pack n play where she tried to fall asleep but started to moan and whimper after a while. I was laying in bed and started to hum "Jesus Loves You" to hear while still laying there. Unfortunately, I would fall asleep while humming to her and she would wake up and start moaning/whimpering again. We played this game for an hour when she finally decided to just get up and play. We tried having her sleep in bed with us. I tried rocking and singing to her in the family room. Anthony tried rocking her in the bedroom. Nothing seemed to work. Finally after 4am she fell asleep in her pack n play, but then woke back up at 6:30am for the morning. So it was up and ready for breakfast, very early.

Breakfast was pancakes as usual and then we were off to Dog Lake for a family fishing outing. We took 3 boats: 1. mom and dad, 2. Anthony, Kaycee and I, 3. Jon and Jamey. We all started off in the same place, tethered together. We weren't catching much so we moved down the lake to different branches and tried again. Dad and mom had to go in to shore and get a bobber, and when they got to the rest of us, mom offered to take Kaycee back to shore and walk her in the stroller till she went to sleep for her nap. So I switched boats with dad and mom and I did just that. We left the guys a note hanging out of the car door and walked back to the cabin. Kaycee fell asleep in the stroller and transitioned into her pack n play just fine.  Mom and I worked on her Sonshine School curriculum/schedule during nap time.  After her nap, the guys came back from fishing, they each caught a Crappie and Anthony caught a 14in Bass, keeper size!!!

Dad and I went to the kitchen to get the shore lunch and then he drove it back to the cabin in the extra boat. Anthony, Jon and Jamey took our boat to the picnic area to start the fire, and dad, mom, Kaycee and I met them there with the food. Dad and Anthony grilled up chicken, hamburgers, brats and even a hotdog for Kaycee along with baked beans, green beans and potatoes for lunch. Mom and I sliced onions and oranges/apples. We all ate way more food then we would normally be able to. Kaycee especially enjoyed wandering around the picnic site!

After the picnic we came back to the cabin for nap time, most of the family took a nap. When Kaycee woke up from her nap we put on our swimsuits and got ready for the beach. Mom, Jamey and I took Kaycee to the beach for her first beach experience. We started off up to her knees in the water, where she splashed around for a while. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the water playing in the sand. Jamey swam to the raft several times, taking a few benches and even a table to the raft, just in case anyone wanted to have a picnic out there. Eventually Anthony and Dad finished fishing and met us at the beach for a few minutes. Then we rushed back to Ottie, showered/took a bath, and got ready for dinner.

Dinner was baked ham or chicken, scalloped potatoes and green peas. The chicken changed Anthony's life. I'm going to have to figure out what the recipe is for that chicken. After dinner Jamey, Dad and I fished until we were out of minnows.  Dad joked about being all out of advice and that Jamey and I were taking a pop quiz midterm of all of our fishing experience. I apparently failed because I lost several hooks, forgot my fish rag and even the line tangled a time or two.  Jamey didn't do so hot either.  We need to be better prepared next time my dad decides to give us a pop quiz midterm!  When we came back to the cabin Anthony had put Kaycee to bed and was ready to go clean fish. It was quite exciting to clean the large crappies and bass. Then we came back to the house and called it a night fairly early. This allowed Dad and Anthony to get enough sleep before their guide fishing in the morning.

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