Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday at Boyds!

Kaycee woke up this morning at 5:50am instead of 7:30am like we had hoped. It's my guide day with Jim, so I wanted to be up early, but NOT this early! After keeping her quite as long as we could, we took her out to the family room to play. Dad, Anthony, Kaycee and I went up to breakfast right at 7:15am in order to be ready for the river as soon as we could. I ordered pancakes again! (why fix what isn't broken, they're soo tasty!)

Dad, Jim and I loaded up the small boat and headed out to the river about 7:45am. Going down the river was a hard decision for me because it's absolutely my favorite place to fish with Jim, but it's also not always the safest of trips. But, Jim said the water levels were higher this year and that he could keep me safe in the boat, so I wholeheartedly agreed! After getting everything set up we set out on the river to fish for muskies! Floating down the river, casting our baits to the shores, watching the eagle, waiting for the fish bite, this is the life! Dad brought a large musky to the boat, but unfortunately, it jumped and spit out the hook before he was able to get it in the boat. Dad also brought up a bass and had a few more hits. I had a few hits and small baby musky that we didn't even put in the boat. Overall, the morning wasn't as successful as we would have hoped, but it was still so much fun!

At Hiawatha, the exchange point, we met Jon and Mom to make the exchange. Jon got into the boat and I got out. While we were waiting for everyone to "use the woods" Dad found a dozen or so ticks crawling up his legs. Jon found 4 and I had 2. Mom seemed to not attract them as much. Later Dad said he had 20 more ticks on his body before he got back onto the boat to fish again. Mom and I went back to the cabin to pick up Anthony, Jamey and Kaycee for lunch. I ended up finding another tick crawling up my leg, which Anthony removed for me.

Lunch was crab legs/seafood alfredo as well as the usual sandwich bar and salad bar. Unfortunately, I couldn't eat other of those things (shellfish allergy and no lunch meat for preggo), so I had a hard time finding a tasty lunch. But lunch dessert totally made up for it, lemon bars! Then we came back to the cabin to relax and play before Kaycee's nap. I hadn't planned on napping (I don't like to nap during the day and waste my time here), but I couldn't help it. I fell asleep on the couch and eventually went to the bed. I was out and slept for 3 hours. Even Kaycee came in for her nap and I didn't even stir. Around 4 Kaycee woke up from her nap and woke me up too.

Anthony and I went out fishing while Grandma and Kaycee walked around outside. They ventured up the hill and down the hill, around the cabin and on the path by the lake, up the stairs and back down again. We fished across Long lake and caught some smaller bluegills/bass. It's so nice to be out on the lake with just Anthony! Then we came in and all drove up to dinner.

Dinner was beef tenderloin and stuffed Haddock. There was a mix up about how much was ordered, but eventually we got all our food! Again, super tasty. Dessert was a creme brulee, which I didn't eat. Then we all went out to the park with Amy to play and reminisce about the old days! We stayed out too long and took Kaycee back to the cabin for bed after 8. Hopefully, that doesn't mean she'll be up early tomorrow.

Mom, Jon and Jamey went to the softball game while Anthony, Dad and I played Sentinels of the Multiverse. We thought the game would be a shorter one because we chose a simpler villain, however it lasted several hours. We did win! Then we all headed for bed. By the end of the week we're all pretty exhausted at night.

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