Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday Day at Boyds

We had all agreed that we would get Kaycee up at 7:30am if she didn't wake herself up earlier than that. She did wake herself up around 7 and fortunately, she's not quite a quiet person in the morning. Everyone else was soon awake too. So we made it to breakfast around 7:45am. I had pancakes, Daddy had a waffle and Kaycee shared a waffle with Grandpa. Breakfast is one of my favorite meals at Boyds! Unfortunately, Jamey isn't feeling well today. Hopefully this passes quickly as not to ruin his or anyone else’s vacation. Grandma and Kaycee went to the Wigwam after breakfast to check it out. This must be the first week the Wigwam is open because they weren't quite unpacked in there. Kaycee did get to color and put her handprint on the sign, though.

We ended up back in the cabin while Dad and Jon went fishing. Mom and I talked a lot about Grammy's house and the important/sentimental things inside, while Anthony played on his iPad and Jamey napped. Then went up to lunch. Lunch was left over prime rib in the form of stroganoff, pretty tasty! We had taken all our fishing stuff with us and was able to secure 2 boats on Little Bass lake before lunch. So Mom and Dad set out in one boat and Anthony, Kaycee and I in another. Anthony drove, while Kaycee sat in my lap. Of course we were all in our life jackets to be safe! Kaycee had a hard time getting her sea legs at first and fell down several times in the boat, but eventually got the hang of it. Anthony and I fished while taking turns paying close attention to where Kaycee was and what she was playing in. Mom caught a keeper Large Mouth Bass (14in) and dad caught a goliath Blue Gill (9in).  Anthony and I caught an assortment of other large Blue Gills to keep and clean for future eating! At nap time, we took a quick trip back to the cabin to lay Kaycee down and then dad and Anthony and I went back out to Little Bass lake to fish for Walleye's until dinner. Grandma stayed with Kaycee while she napped, or so we thought she was supposed to nap. Apparently, no napping actually happened. She did stay in her pack n play for a while before getting up to play and then ride in the boat back to the dinner. Again, she apparently didn't want to play with her toys instead she wanted to unroll all the otilet paper in the bathrooms, play with bags of ice from the garbage and rearrange the clothes in teh bedroom. Silly girl. We did not catch any walleye's to speak of. The first set of cribs we tried, the fish finder said there were a lot of fish around, but we wern't catching any. We were quite confused until we saw the ginormous back of a muskie roll over the top of the water. Then we knew exactly why the walleyes were running away from our bait (to stay away from the muskie and not get eaten themselves). The second set of cribs we tried didn't turn up much either, so we eventually called it quits and went to dinner.

Dinner was turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and corn with gravy. We all ate till our belly's were content and then had apple pie for dessert! Boy is the food tasty here! After dinner, we made a quick trip back to the cabin to put Kaycee to bed and grab the fish cleaning supplies. Grandma and the uncles stayed at the cabin while Dad, Anthony and I went to clean the bass and bluegills from earlier. They'll make a few sandwiches when we get back! When we got back we still had minnows to get rid of so we all spent a half hour on the dock fishing. Last night dad caught a walleye off the dock and so Anthony really wanted to catch one. So he claimed the right side of the dock where dad had caught one before. Unfortunately, it was Jamey who brought in the walleye from the left side of the dock tonight. Maybe tomorrow Anthony! When it was finally too dark to see what we were doing and the fish had stopped biting we came in to relax. Then we played a few rounds of yuker (sp?) and called it a night. Another successful day at Boyds!

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