Thursday, June 30, 2016

New Car

Tonight we bought a new car! Anthony found a Suzuki S4 (I think) at a dealership, and went to test drive it yesterday. Today we went with him to look at it and pay for it. Anthony and Kaycee rode home in "Daddy's Red Car." We are so blessed that Anthony was able to find a car, that he likes, with low miles, relatively new and that we could afford without taking a car payment! Thank You LORD!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Swimming at the Pilottes and Laundry

Tripp woke up earlier than normal this morning, so we spent some time hanging out in Momma's bed... or so Momma thought we were going to. Instead he kept trying to crawl off the side of the bed. I caught him several times and then just ended up putting him on the floor. No more resting for Momma. After morning naps we went to the Pilotte's house to go swimming. It was a blast! Kaycee swam with her life jacket for the first time and Tripp had a good time in the floaty. Olive stayed in her carseat in the shade, perfectly happy the whole time, even taking a nap!
Kaycee had a moment today, that is perfectly telling for the future... oh boy... After changing her into her clothes, I told her to stop spitting the water from her water bottle on to the ground. I then went inside to change myself and when I came back outside the first thing she said to me was "I spit water, Momma." Then Molly told me that Donna caught Kaycee spitting water and said to her "Kaycee, why are you spitting water?" Kaycee replied with "Because my Momma won't know." OH BOY!
Tonight Anthony and I tackled the mountain of laundry that was in our bedroom. We decided that when the laundry is as tall as the bed and taking up all of the floor space, it's probably time to fold it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Jump Zone, Panera

We went to JumpZone today to play! The girls had the best time! Miriam and Kaycee even climbed the large slide several times, which is a big accomplishment for Kaycee!! Olive was a bit cranky while we were there, until I tucked her arms into her carseat with a blanket. Something about not being able to pull lovee out of her mouth makes her calm down, go figure! Then we went to Panera for lunch, where Kaycee made a large mess with the mac n cheese. Sarah took her girls home, and I took mine back to my house for naps. We're sad to see Sarah leave, but we'll see them again soon!

Monday, June 27, 2016

DoTerra Class

I didn't take any pictures today. Isn't that crazy. Sarah came down this morning and we played and played at our house until lunch time. We went to Chick Fil A for lunch where the girls played and played some more. Then we came back to the house for naps. After naps the kiddos played some more while Sarah got ready for the class. The class went really well! I was very happy to be learning more about essential oils! Thanks Sarah for teaching! 

Sunday, June 26, 2016

VBS Performance/Prayer/Night Light

This morning the children from VBS got up and performed their theme song and each night's verses. They did an excellent job! I couldn't be more proud of them! Anthony did the congregational prayer at the end of service, well done Anthony! 
Tonight we went to Night Light at the Pilotte's. We had such a great time, playing in the pool, eating hotdogs and then worshiping with the teenagers. Thanks for the invite!