Monday, June 6, 2016

Car accident

Tonight, Molly and I went out for a relaxing evening. We started off with dinner at Chevy's and then went to Royal Foot Spa for massages. They were wonderful. You lay on the table with your feet soaking, fully clothed while they massage your head, neck and shoulders. Then they have you take your feet out of the soak and massage your feet. Then you turn over and they massage your back and legs. It was wonderful!
On my way home from my time with Molly, I stopped at Sonic to buy Anthony some ice cream. I was stopped at the red light on Weathersfield Way at Barrington Road. When my light turned green, I started to move forward through the intersection. I got halfway through (crossing the southbound traffic lanes) and then there was impact. I remember hearing a horn, and looking out my left window, but not seeing anything. I overheard a witness say that the other car rolled twice. My car only spun 90 degrees to end up facing north on Barrington Rd. The other driver was taken to the hospital, but they tell me he was talking and conscious in the ambulance. My airbags did go off, but I was checked out by the paramedics and cleared, so I did not have to go to ER. Anthony's car will be totaled, I'm sure, from all the front end damage. A big thank you to Rob for coming over and sitting at our house while Anthony came to the scene. A big thank you to Anthony for being strong the whole night. I ended up with a seat belt burn on my neck and a nasty bruise on my knee. I also felt sick to my stomach, but that was likely caused from stress of the accident. At the scene the officer told me that the witness statements and driver statements did not match, so he was not issuing any tickets on the scene. Once he talked with the other driver and the witnesses again, he would finalize the police report. Now we wait.

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