Saturday, June 4, 2016

Camping Club #1 - Hiking and Playground

Last night was ok, the kids did not wake up too many times. Kaycee fell off her bed a few times, but I was able to put her back on the bed and she went right back to sleep every time. I did however, find her asleep with her blanket over her face this morning. I'm ok with that because I bet she stayed asleep a bit longer if it made it darker for her! The tent does not block any light, so the light streams in starting before 5am. Thankfully, they were up a little later than that, 6ish. lol After a pancake breakfast, we all had some trouble deciding what to do. It was a little chilly, so some wanted to go to the beach and some wanted to wait till it was warmer. The problem was that the weather man had predicted rain all day. It was beautiful out in the morning, so we all decided to go for a hike. It was a great hike! I wore Kaycee in the Ergo for most of the journey because Mema stayed back at the campsite with Tripp while he took his morning nap. Thanks Mom! After the hike, we played at the park for a while and then went back to the site for lunch and afternoon naps. After naps we went to the beach because it was quite warm in the sun! Kaycee totally enjoyed the water, although she didn't ever put her top half in the water. She liked playing in the sand! Dinner was make your own meat and potluck, which was totally tasty! We always have plenty of food, so everyone had a ton. Then we made individual pineapple upside down foil packs and cooked them over the fire! 

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