Sunday, June 5, 2016

Camping Club #1 - Devo, Fishing, and Nicole's Graduation Party

Dad brought the play tent that he set up for Kaycee. All the kiddos were playing in, which brought back memories from when I used to go camping as a kid. After breakfast we all worked on packing up and then had our morning devo. It was wonderful to be sitting together around a campfire thinking about God. Rob's devo was excellent! Afterwards, we went fishing in the kid's fishing pond. It was Kaycee's first chance to try out her new fishing pole! She was super cute casting with Papa. Fortunately, Papa caught something. Then we drove to Cracker Barrel for lunch and then the rest of the way home. We ended up unloading the car at home before heading over to Nicole's graduation party. We stayed for a while, and Kaycee even got to go swimming! Congrats Nicole!

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